spacial remarkable points
- listen rhymes carefully
- listen words carefully
- listen and understand content
- uses welcome massages
- uses simple conversations
- answers simple questions orally
- look at the picture and say the world
- identifies words
- reads story after teacher
improvemental points
- should be help in group activities
- should hold writing material properly
- should listen carefully
- should speak dearly and loudly
- should handle flash cards
- should obey oral instructions
- should participate in classroom conversation
- practice of writing activities needed
hobbies related points
- collect pictures of various objects
- participate in english activities happily
- collects various writing material
- shows enthusiasm in english
- listen english news .
- tries to understand english conversation
- participate helpfully in group activities
- asks questions orally about content
- reads numbers upto 100 and more
- can tell date and time
इयत्ता १ ली |
इयत्ता २ री |
इयत्ता ३ री |
इयत्ता ४ थी |