spacial observational notes :-
- tells exact number by counting things
- count pictures
- can hear and write (numbers)
- can see and write (numbers)
- 1 to 9 symbols concept is clear
- addition based on counting solves
- forward counting based examples solves
- can solve problems by vertical arrangement
- can draw proper figures
improvement related notes :-
- counting must be improved
- concept of numbers must be cleared
- subtraction concepts should be cleared
- addition concept should be cleared
- number symbols concepts should be cleared
- oral answers should be confident
- concepts regarding operations should be cleared
- drawing skills must be improved
- speed in writing is must
hobbies and interest :-
- collect objects and pictures related with mathematics
- sings songs based on numbers
- solve problems orally
- interest of drawing / sketching.
- can make designs of geometrical shapes
- interest in number writing
- collect pictures, bills about numbers.
- arrangements of numbers making hobby.
- draws rangoli
- make colourful objects .
इयत्ता १ ली |
इयत्ता २ री |
इयत्ता ३ री |
इयत्ता ४ थी |